Travel is arguably the best education, broadening perspectives on cultures, humanity and the world as a whole. I was born in the United States, my family moved to New Zealand when was 4, and have lived in Australia for around the last decade. Have spent a month or two in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Netherlands, England, Spain, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, and a week or two in China, Bangladesh, Laos and Rarotonga.
With vision comes responsibility? The ultimate challenge, the most worthwhile and impossible aspiration is to save the world. so in 2005 after a year traveling Europe returned to New Zealand and initiated a University Club to “foster the arts, diversity and creative thinking for the long term future.” Many projects were created, students collaborated, ideas and ideals furthered but did not break through, it was not self sustaining and my savings ran dry.
A theory that society can transition via consumer choice to run on nonprofit emerged. One of the core aims was to invite environmental and humanitarian initiatives from people, and host them, promote them and support them to happen, creating sustainable employment.
Fertile creative soil was needed, so moved to the alternative hub of Byron Bay, Australia. Projects again took root. Was invited to tutor Ethics and Sustainability at Southern Cross University, and another University Club was formed, a philanthropist donated 15k and a range of services were running weekly, fortnightly and solo. The problem with being a nonprofit offering services is that eventually the money ran dry. Giving up is not easy when one is stubborn, one grinds for a long time before they stop.
So to tac, to become a busking street poet. The new approach was to survive and break through as a performer, to again be financially independent and in a public position to advocate. I had long been writing, and jamming, a pile of works already existed. Many were printed, I built a stand and the poems sat on it while I recited- leaving my hands free to annotate actions. A gesticulated style emerged as many in repetition were memorized. Coins and some notes gifted. Carving just a living off pieces to inform and entertain, deliberate or accidental regression. Able but not wanting to support capitalism’s destructive conquest.
Thousands of poetic pieces or lyrics, and as many bits of art have been created, piles of experimental audio tracks, venues had. Thus let what is created be released, and if people like it, lets do great things with it!
50% of donations will go to a plot save the world.