“Some go for gold, some go for art, we are all, a part, of the future”.
Compulsion is hard to define, and help hard to ask for.
Begging has never been my way, put it all out, wish to be appreciated.
As a street performer for years always figured just put it out there. Do your thing to the best of your ability, get it out there and support may come. This is my chosen model also for exposing my writings and art.
Patronage of artists was in ages past a fairly common practice. People endowed with means paired with dreamers to achieve seemly impossible things. Musical composers, sculptors, painters, poets, across the arts, political philosophies and sciences.
Pip did not meet Magwitch on the moor, that was a story.
However, Da Vinci, Blake, and other greats, did have help to become.
I’ve given my all and there is more to give, I wish for assistance to take works further. I seek a champion, whose heart is in the right place to help further future benevolent projects, and or arty explorations.
You will find what you want to see, including many nonprofit projects, too much poetry and art, unique performance and perspective. An educated persona seeking to save the world, with theories and attempts, who has given everything, to the point of self destruction yet is compelled to continue.
So help is invited to further creations.
To take art to the next level in various directions.
Which once established will lead back to nonprofit projects .
Flow on effects toward the whole.
And become self sustaining.
It is a gamble, in the future, one that I take, meet me..
What will money be used for?
A scholarship/ allowance to cover living expenses.
That’s the basics would help, and enable creations out.
Beyond the base needs, funds for projects beyond that is ideal.
My to-do list is pages of bullet points long.
An idealist without means to implement, creates a backlog of concepts!
It would be best to meet and discuss possibilities.
Below is a brief backdrop.
When I was 24 and returned from Europe with over 30K of savings left in the bank, I knew I could make a difference. Saw ways to create a brighter future and gave my all, when that ran out I kept trying. Years later a philanthropist gave 15K, a broad range of nonprofit projects were hosted, yet it simply runs out.
During the nonprofit attempts, earlier and since, art was created.
Creations in of performance, poetry written and arty prolific.
Breadcrumbs of a path tread, and ideals ahead.
Much already made and awaits release.
Aiming to break through as an artist.
Become self sustaining.
And from here to advocate freely..
This attempt continues.
If you know a likely patron, let them know I am ready.
(Australia +61) 0449196836
Or just check the donate page.